• Faculty
  • Jamie Mullaney
  • Jamie Mullaney

    Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, ProfessorSociology

    Jamie L. Mullaney is Professor of Sociology and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs at Goucher College. She completed her doctorate in Sociology, with a specialization in Culture and Cognition, in 2003 at Rutgers University. In addition to numerous journal articles, she is the author of two books: Everyone is NOT Doing It (University of Chicago Press, 2006) and Paid to Party: Working Time and Emotion in Direct Home Sales (with Janet Hinson Shope, Rutgers University Press, 2012). Her research interests and projects largely focus around issues of time, emotion, and identity. She is a former recipient of the Caroline Doebler Bruckerl ‘25 Faculty Award for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service.

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    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2006. Everyone is NOT Doing It: Abstinence and Personal Identity. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. and Janet Hinson Shope. 2012. Paid to Party: Working Time and Emotion in Direct Home Sales. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.


    Referreed Journal Articles

    Carrese, Joe, Jamie Mullaney, Ruth Faden, and Tom Finucane. 2002. "Planning for Death but Not

    Serious Future Illness: Qualitative Study of Housebound Elderly Patients." The British Medical Journal 325:125-27.

    Hanyok, Laura A., Jamie Mullaney, Thomas Finucane, and Joseph Carrese. 2009.    “Potential Caregivers for Homebound Elderly: More Numerous than Supposed?” Journal of Family Practice 58(7):E1-6.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2020. “A Year Then Forever: Personal Resolution Making and the Temporal Bridge of the Near Future.” Symbolic Interaction 43(2):332-55.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2012. “All in Time: Age and the Temporality of Authenticity in the Straight Edge Music Scene.” Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 41:611-35.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2007. “Telling It Like a Man: Masculinities and Battering Men’s Accounts of Their Violence.” Men and Masculinities 10(2):222-47.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2007. “‘Unity Admirable but Not Necessarily Heeded’: Going Rates and Gender Boundaries in the Straight Edge Hardcore Music Scene.” Gender & Society 21(3): 384-408.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2001. "Like a Virgin: Temptation, Resistance, and the Construction of Identities Based on 'Not Doings.'" Qualitative Sociology 24:3-24.             

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 1999. "Making It 'Count': Mental Weighing and Identity Attribution." Symbolic Interaction 22:269-83.

    Mullaney, Jamie L., and Janet Hinson Shope. 2015. “Feeling the Hands of Time: Intersections of Time and Emotion.” Sociology Compass 9/10:853-63.


    Book Chapters

    Harder, William H., and Jamie L. Mullaney. 2021. “Never Getting Off the Ground or Heading Home Early: Student Perceptions and Experiences of Study Abroad Disruption During COVID-19.” Pp. 60-76 in Impacts of COVID-19 on International Students and the Future of Student Mobility, edited by K. Bista, R. M. Allen, & R.Y. Chan. Abingdon: Routledge. 

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2019. “Social Mindscapes and the Self: The Case for Social Pattern Analysis.” Pp. 388-402 in The Oxford Handbook on Cognitive Sociology, edited by W. H. Brekhus and G. Ignatow. New York: Oxford University Press.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2014. “Negotiating Promiscuity: Straight Edge (sXe), Sex, and the Self.” Pp. 135-47 in Selves, Symbols and Sexualities: Contemporary Readings, edited by S. Newmahr and T. Weinberg. SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA.

    Mullaney, Jamie. L., and Elaine Meyer-Lee. 2022. “Department Chair Development and Mentoring.” Resource Handbook for Academic Deans: The Essential Guide for College and University Leaders, 4th edition, edited by A. Adams. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.



    Mullaney, Jamie. 2021. “‘This Year I Will…’: Personal Resolutions and the Near Future." Sociology Lens Blog.


    Book Review

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2022. “Limited and Limitless: The Experience of Time in Prison.” Review of The Cage of Days: Time and Temporal Experience in Prison” by K.C. Carceral and Michael G. Flaherty. Symbolic Interaction.

    Mullaney, Jamie L. 2015. “Opening Our Eyes to Sex Perception.” Review of Blind to Sameness: Sexpectations and the Social Construction of Male and Female Bodies, by Asia Friedman. Symbolic Interaction 38(2):315-7.

    Recent Conference Papers

    April, 2022 (Baltimore, MD)

    Morgan State University School of Education and Urban Studies Research Series (session: Critical Perspectives on Student Mobility and International Faculty in Higher Education)

    Bill Harder and Jamie Mullaney, Goucher College

    “Student Perceptions and Experiences of Study Abroad Disruption During COVID-19”

    April, 2022 (New Brunswick, NJ)

    Toward a Concept-Driven Sociology: A Symposium in Honor of Eviatar Zerubavel

    “Focusing, Balancing, and Just Not Doing It: Lessons from Cognitive Sociology”


    February, 2022 (St. Petersburg, FL)

    American Conference of Academic Deans (ACAD)

    Jamie L. Mullaney and Elaine Meyer-Lee, Goucher College

    Jennifer Keys and Kristin Geraty, North Central College

    “From Surviving to Thriving: A Holistic Approach to Mentoring Department Chairs” 


    August, 2018 (Philadelphia, PA)

    The Roots and Branches of Interpretive Sociology: Cultural, Pragmatist, and Psychosocial Approaches

    “Time for a Change?: Personal Resolution Making and Temporal Identity Work”


    March, 2016 (Baltimore, MD)

    Society for Research on Adolescence

    “Taking the Sex Out of Virginity?: Rethinking Our Research Approach”


    February, 2015 (New York, NY)

    Eastern Sociological Society

    Raj Ghoshal and Jamie Mullaney, Goucher College

    “Real Men Love Ponies? The Adult Male Fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and the Negotiation of Masculinity Regimes”


    November, 2014 (Baltimore, MD)

    CIEE (Council on International Educational Exchange)

    Eric Singer, Robbie Blinkoff, Jamie Mullaney, Goucher College, and Kate McCleary, Washington College

    “Hey, I’ve Got an Anthropologist in My Pocket: Scholarship for the 21st Century”


    February, 2014 (Baltimore, MD)

    Eastern Sociological Society

    “This Year, I Will… : Resolution Making and Insights into Time, Emotion, and the Self”


    August, 2012 (Denver, CO)

    American Sociological Association

    Jamie L. Mullaney and Janet Hinson Shope, Goucher College

    “Emoting Time in Direct Home Sales:Changing the Temporal and Emotional Relationships between Work and Family?”


    March, 2012 (New Orleans, LA)

    Southern Sociological Society

    Jamie L. Mullaney and Janet Hinson Shope, Goucher College

    “Can’t Say No: The Commodification of Obligation in Direct Home Sales”


    February, 2012 (New York, NY)

    Eastern Sociological Society

    “Narrating the Things We Do Not Do: Telling Stories about Abstinence”

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